2. DEFB +13,exponent+63 DEFB +0E,(+00,+00,+00) 3. DEFB +55,exponent+65 DEFB +E4,+8D,(+00,+00) 4. DEFB +58,exponent+68 DEFB +39,+BC,(+00,+00) 5. DEFB +5B,exponent+6B DEFB +98,+FD,(+00,+00) 6. DEFB +9E,exponent+6E DEFB +00,+36,+75,(+00) 7. DEFB +A0,exponent+70 DEFB +DB,+E8,+B4,(+00) 8. DEFB +63,exponent+73 DEFB +42,+C4,(+00,+00) 9. DEFB +E6,exponent+76 DEFB +B5,+09,+36,+BE 10. DEFB +E9,exponent+79 DEFB +36,+73,+1B,+5D 11. DEFB +EC,exponent+7C DEFB +D8,+DE,+63,+BE 12. DEFB +F0,exponent+80 DEFB +61,+A1,+B3,+0C At the end of the last loop the 'last value' is: ATN X/X - case i. ATN (-1/X)/(-1/X) - case ii. ATN (-1/X)/(-1/X) - case iii. Perform step iv. DEFB +04,multiply W, ATN X - case i. W, ATN (-1/X) - case ii. W, ATN (-1/X) - case iii. DEFB +0F,addition ATN X - all cases now. DEFB +38,end-calc RET Finished: 'last value' = ATX X. THE 'ARCSIN' FUNCTION (Offset 22: 'asn') This subroutine handles the function ASN X and return a real real number from -PI/2 to PI/2 inclusive which is equal to the value in radians of the angle whose sine is X. Thereby if Y = ASN X then X = SIN Y. This subroutine uses the trigonometric identity: TAN (Y/2) = SIN Y/1(1+COS Y) to obtain TAN (Y/2) and hence (using ATN) Y/2 and finally Y. 3833 asn RST 0028,FP-CALC X DEFB +31,duplicate X, X DEFB +31,duplicate X, X, X DEFB +04,multiply X, X*X DEFB +A1,stk-one X, X*X, 1 DEFB +03,subtract X, X*X-1 DEFB +1B,negate X,1-X*X DEFB +28,sqr X,SQR (1-X*X) DEFB +A1,stk-one X,SQR (1-X*X), 1 DEFB +0F,addition X, 1+SQR (1-X*X) DEFB +05,division X/(1+SQR (1-X*X)) = TAN (Y/2) DEFB +24,atn Y/2 DEFB +31,duplicate Y/2, Y/2 DEFB +0F,addition Y = ASN X DEFB +38,end-calc RET Finished: 'last value' = ASN X.