Report 6 - Number too big 3703 REPORT-6 RST 0008,ERROR-1 Call the error handling DEFB +05 routine. 3705 N-NEGTV JR C,370E,RSLT-ZERO The result is to be zero if N is less than -255 decimal. SUB (HL) Subtract ABS N from the exponent as N was negative. JR NC,370E,RSLT-ZERO Zero result if e less than zero. NEG Minus e is changed to e. 370C RESULT-OK LD (HL),A The exponent, e, is entered. RET 370E RESULT-ZERO RST 0028,FP-CALC Use the calculator to make the DEFB +02,delete 'last value' zero. DEFB +A0,stk-zero DEFB +38,end-calc RET Finished, with EXP X = 0. THE 'NATURAL LOGARITHM' FUNCTION (Offset 25: 'ln') This subroutine handles the function LN X and is the second of the four routines that use SERIES GENERATOR to produce Chebyshev polynomials. The approximation to LN X is found as follows: i. X is tested and report A is given if X is not positive. ii. X is then split into its true exponent, e', and its mantissa X' = X/(2**e'), where X' is greater than, or equal to, 0.5 but still less than 1. iii. The required value Y1 or Y2 is formed. If X' is greater than 0.8 then Y1=e'*LN 2 and if otherwise Y2 = (e'-1)*LN 2. iv. If X' is greater than 0.8 then the quantity X'-1 is stacked; otherwise 2*X'-1 is stacked. v. Now the argument Z is formed, being if X' is greater than 0.8, Z = 2.5*X'-3; otherwise Z = 5*X'-3. In each case, -1 <=Z <=1, as required for the series to converge. vi. The SERIES GENERATOR is used to produce the required function. vii. Finally a simply multiplication and addition leads to LN X being returned as the 'last value'. 3713 ln RST 0028,FP-CALC X Perform step i. DEFB +3D,re-stack X (in full floating-point form) DEFB +31,duplicate X, X DEFB +37,greater-0 X, (1/0) DEFB +00,jump-true X DEFB +04,to 371C, VALID X DEFB +38,end-calc X Report A - Invalid argument 371A REPORT-A RST 0008,ERROR-1 Call the error handling DEFB +09 routine. Perform step ii. 371C VALID DEFB +A0,stk-zero X,0 The deleted 1 is DEFB +02,delete X overwritten with zero. DEFB +38,end-calc X LD A,(HL) The exponent, e, goes into A. LD (HL),+80 X is reduced to X'. CALL 2D28,STACK-A The stack holds: X', e. RST 0028,FP-CALC X', e DEFB +34,stk-data X', e, 128 (decimal) DEFB +38,exponent+88