RR B intp B' to be picked up on POP AF normalisation. RR B EXX POP BC Restore the exponent bytes, M1 & N1. POP HL Restore the pointer to the result. LD A,B Get the difference between the SUB C two exponent bytes into A and set the carry flag if required. JP 313D,DIVN-EXPT Exit via DIVN-EXPT. THE 'INTEGER TRUNCATION TOWARDS ZERO' SUBROUTINE (Offset 3A - see CALCULATE below: 'truncate') This subroutine (say I(x)) returns the result of integer truncation of x, the 'last value', towards zero. Thus I(2.4) is 2 and I(-2.4) is -2. The subroutine returns at once if x is in the form of a 'short integer'. It returns zero if the exponent byte of x if less than 81 hex (ABS x is less than 1). If I(x) is a 'short integer' the subroutine returns it in that form. It returns x if the exponent byte is A0 hex or greater (x has no significant non-integral part). Otherwise the correct number of bytes of x are set to zero and, if needed, one more byte is split with a mask. 3214 truncate LD A,(HL) Get the exponent byte of X into A. AND A If A is zero, return since x is RET Z already a small integer. CP +81 Compare e, the exponent, to 81 hex. JR NC,3221,T-GR-ZERO Jump if e is greater than 80 hex. LD (HL),+00 Else, set the exponent to zero; LD A,+20 enter 32 decimal, 20 hex, into A JR 3272,NIL-BYTES and jump forward to NIL- BYTES to make all the bits of x be zero. 3221 T-GR-ZERO CP +91 Compare e to 91 hex, 145 decimal. 3223 JR NZ,323F,T-SMALL Jump if e not 91 hex. The next 26 bytes seem designed to test whether x is in fact -65536 decimal, i.e. 91 80 00 00 00, and if it is, to set it to 00 FF 00 00 00. This is a mistake. As already stated at byte 303B above, the Spectrum system cannot handle this number. The result here is simply to make INT (-65536) return the value -1. This is a pity, since the number would have been perfectly all right if left alone. The remedy would seem to be simply to omit the 28 bytes from 3223 above to 323E inclusive from the program. 3225 INC HL HL is pointed at the fourth byte INC HL of x, where the 17 bits of the INC HL integer part of x end after the first bit. LD A,+80 The first bit is obtained in A. AND (HL) using 80 hex as a mask. DEC HL That bit and the previous 8 bits OR (HL) are tested together for zero. DEC HL HL is pointed at the second byte of x. JR NZ,3233,T-FIRST If already non-zero, the test can end. LD A,+80 Otherwise, the test for -65536 is XOR (HL) now completed: 91 80 00 00 00 will leave the zero flag set now. 3233 T-FIRST DEC HL Hl is pointed at the first byte of x. JR NZ,326C,T-EXPNENT If zero reset, the jump is made. LD (HL),A The first byte is set to zero. INC HL HL points to the second byte.