CPL complemented (OVER 1) or 1 (OVER 0). 2303 PLOT-END LD (HL),A The byte is entered. Its other bits are unchanged in every case. JP OBDB,PO_ATTR Exit, setting attribute byte. THE 'STK-TO-BC' SUBROUTINE This subroutine loads two floating point numbers into the BC register pair. It is thus used to pick up parameters in the range +00-+FF. It also obtains in DE the 'diagonal move' values (+/-1,+/-1) which are used in the line drawing subroutine of DRAW. 2307 STK-TO-BC CALL 2314,STK-TO-A First number to A. LD B,A Hence to B. PUSH BC Save it briefly. CALL 2314,STK-TO-A Second number to A. LD E,C Its sign indicator to E. POP BC Restore first number. LD D,C Its signs indicator to D. LD C,A Second number to C. RET BC, DE are now as required. THE 'STK-TO-A' SUBROUTINE This subroutine loads the A register with the floating point number held at the top of the calculator stack. The number must be in the range 00-FF. 2314 STK-TO-A CALL 2DD5,FP-TO-A Modulus of rounded last value to JP C,24F9,REPORT-B A if possible; else, report error. LD C,+01 One to C for positive last value. RET Z Return if value was positive. LD C,+FF Else change C to +FF (i.e. minus RET one). Finished. THE 'CIRCLE' COMMAND ROUTINE This routine draws an approximation to the circle with centre co-ordinates X and Y and radius Z. These numbers are rounded to the nearest integer before use. Thus Z must be less than 87.5, even when (X,Y) is in the centre of the screen. The method used is to draw a series of arcs approximated by straight lines. It is illustrated in the BASIC program in the appendix. The notation of that program is followed here. CIRCLE has four parts: i. Tests the radius. If its modulus is less than 1, just plot X,Y; ii. Calls CD-PRMS-1 at 2470-24B6, which is used to set the initial parameters for both CIRCLE and DRAW; iii. Sets up the remaining parameters for CIRCLE, including the initial displacement for the first 'arc' (a straight line in fact); iv. Jumps into DRAW to use the arc-drawing loop at 2420-24FA. Parts i. to iii. will now be explained in turn. i. 2320-23AA. The radius, say Z', is obtained from the calculator stack. Its modulus Z is formed and used from now on. If Z is less than 1, it is deleted from the stack and the point X,Y is plotted by a jump to PLOT. 2320 CIRCLE RST 0017,GET-CHAR Get the present character. CP +2C Test for comma. JP NZ,1C8A,REPORT-C If not so, report the error. RST 0020,NEXT-CHAR Get next character (the radius). CALL 1C82,EXPT-1NUM Radius to calculator stack. CALL 1BEE,CHECK-END Move to consider next statement if checking syntax. RST 0028,FP-CALC Use calculator: the stack holds: DEFB +2A,abs X, Y, Z DEFB +3D,re-stack Z is re-stacked; its exponent DEFB +38,end-calc is therefore available. LD A,(HL) Get exponent of radius.