indicated by a set carry flag. RET Z Return with all positive numbers that are in range. Report B - Integer out of range 1E9F REPORT-B RST 0008,ERROR-1 Call the error handling DEFB +0A routine. THE 'RUN' COMMAND ROUTINE The parameter of the RUN command is passed to NEWPPC by calling the GO TO command routine. The operations of 'RESTORE 0' and 'CLEAR 0' are then performed before a return is made. 1EA1 RUN CALL 1E67,GO-TO Set NEWPPC as required. LD BC,+0000 Now perform a 'RESTORE 0'. CALL 1E45,REST-RUN JR 1EAF,CLEAR-1 Exit via the CLEAR command routine. THE 'CLEAR' COMMAND ROUTINE This routine allows for the variables area to be cleared, the display area cleared and RAMTOP moved. In consequence of the last operation the machine stack is rebuilt thereby having the effect of also clearing the GO SUB stack. 1EAC CLEAR CALL 1E99,FIND-INT2 Fetch the operand - using zero by default. 1EAF CLEAR-RUN LD A,B Jump forward if the operand is OR C other than zero. When called JR NZ,1EB7,CLEAR-1 from RUN there is no jump. LD BC,(RAMTOP) If zero use the existing value in RAMTOP. 1EB7 CLEAR-1 PUSH BC Save the value. LD DE,(VARS) Next reclaim all the bytes LD HL,(E-LINE) of the present variables DEC HL area. CALL 19E5,RECLAIM-1 CALL 0D6B,CLS Clear the display area. The value in the BC register pair which will be used as RAMTOP is tested to ensure it is neither too low nor too high. LD HL,(STKEND) The current value of STKEND. LD DE,+0032 is increased by '50' before ADD HL,DE being tested. This forms the POP DE lower limit. SBC HL,DE JR NC,1EDA,REPORT-M RAMTOP will be too low. LD HL,(P-RAMT) For the upper test the value AND A for RAMTOP is tested against SBC HL,DE P-RAMT. JR NC,1EDC,CLEAR-2 Jump forward if acceptable. Report M - RAMTOP no good 1EDA REPORT-M RST 0008,ERROR-1 Call the error handling DEFB +15 routine. Continue with the CLEAR operation. 1EDC CLEAR-3 EX DE,HL Now the value can actually be LD (RAMPTOP,HL passed to RAMTOP. POP DE Fetch the address - STMT-RET. POP BC Fetch the 'error address'. LD (HL),+3E Enter a GO SUB stack end marker. DEC HL Leave one location. LD SP,HL Make the stack pointer point