DEC HL of the editing area. AND A Clear the carry flag. 1195 SET-DE LD DE,(E-LINE) Point to the start of the BIT 5,(FLAGX) editing area and return if RET Z in 'editing mode'. LD DE,(WORKSP) Otherwise change DE. RET C Return if now intended. LD HL,(STKBOT) Fetch STKBOT and then RET return. THE 'REMOVE-FP' SUBROUTINE This subroutine removes the hidden floating-point forms in a BASIC line. 11A7 REMOVE-FP LD A,(HL) Each character in turn is examined. CP +0E Is it a number marker? LD BC,+0006 It will occupy six locations. CALL Z,19E8,RECLAIM-2 Reclaim the F-P number. LD A,(HL) Fetch the code again. INC HL Update the pointer. CP +0D 'Carriage return'? JR NZ,11A7,REMOVE-FP Back if not. But make a RET simple return if it is.