LD HL,(ECHO-E) Push the value of ECHO-E PUSH HL on to the stack. SCF Make HL point to the start CALL 1195,SET-HL of the space and DE the end. EX DE,HL CALL 187D,OUT-LINE2 Now print the line. EX DE,HL Exchange the pointers and CALL 18E1,OUT-CURS print the cursor. LD HL,(S-POSNL) Next fetch the Current value EX (SP),HL of S-POSNL and exchange it with ECHO-E. EX DE,HL Pass ECHO-E to DE. CALL 0D4D,TEMPS Again fetch the permanent colours. The remainder of any line that has been started is now completed with spaces printed with the 'permanent' PAPER colour. 1150 ED-BLANK LD A,(S-POSNL-hi) Fetch the current line number SUB D and subtract the old line number. JR C,117C,ED-C-DONE Jump forward if no 'blanking' of lines required. JR NZ,115E,ED-SPACES Jump forward if not on the same line. LD A,E Fetch the old column number SUB (S-POSNL-lo) and subtract the new column number. JR NC,117C,ED-C-DONE Jump if no spaces required. 115E ED-SPACES LD A,+20 A 'space'. PUSH DE Save the old values, CALL 09F4,PRINT-OUT Print it. POP DE Fetch the old values. JR 1150,ED-BLANK Back again. New deal with any errors. 1167 ED-FULL LD D,+00 Give out a 'rasp'. LD E,(RASP) LD HL,+1A90 CALL 03B5,BEEPER LD (ERR-NR),+FF Cancel the error number. LD DE,(S-POSNL) Fetch the current value of JR 117E,ED-C-END S-POSNL and jump forward. The normal exit upon completion of the copying over of the editor the INPUT line. 1170 ED-C-DONE POP DE The new position value. POP HL The 'error address'. But come here after an error. ll7E ED-C-END POP HL The old value of ERR-SP is LD (ERR-SP),HL restored. POP BC Fetch the old value of S-POSNL. PUSH DE Save the new position values. CALL 0DD9,CL-SET Set the system variables. POP HL The old value of S-POSNL LD (ECHO-E),HL goes into ECHO-E. LD (X-PTR-hi),+00 X-PTR is cleared in a RET suitable manner and the return Made. THE 'SET-HL' AND 'SET-DE' SUBROUTINES These subroutines return with HL pointing to the first location and DE the 'last' location of either the editing area or the work space. 1190 SET-HL LD HL,(WORKSP) Point to the last location